Saturday, 21 March 2015


Dear Baby
You have not been born yet, but I am writing this to you so that when you can read stuff, this is the first thing you read. Ok! Mommy loves you, don't freak out if she starts getting a little crazy in this letter ok da? 

Sweety you have seen me watching movies with a boy in glasses right? I'm sure you have heard me arguing with your daddy about this boy. I'm also sure that you have seen me wearing those glasses and sometimes point a long stick at you and saying words like "ACCIO BABY or LEVICORPUS DADDY". 

Harry Potter is my best friend. No wait...he is my one true love. No that is not true. Your dad is. God that is not true either. OK! Harry Potter is the book which taught me that you can live in a whole different world. You will start reading the books very soon baby & then we will see the movies (hopefully in a row) together! It is going to be so much fun.

I'm sure you will love not just the adventures in the book but the people, the food, the quidditch & most important..HOGWARTS. Oh baby it is the most beautiful and most awesome school in the whole world. I always wanted to go there when I was a kid...broke my heart when my owl didn't come....let's not go there. (Let's hope you get yours)

Baby it's very important to mommy that you like Harry Potter even though I am absolutely positive you will. It changed my life, it taught me that it is ok to be weird & different. That the most powerful thing in the world is your imagination. And baby, I have seen you draw the wonder woman robot..your imagination kick ass compared to other kids!!! :) (mommy is so proud)

You have seen my posters with Harry & his friends right? Oh baby you will be the luckiest person in the whole world if you find friends like Ron & Hermione. You always need people in your life that can tell you when you're screwing up...or join you when you're screwing up! 

As you read on, you will realize that people are not always as they seem & it is not okay to judge them till you have known the truth. Mommy made that mistake....ope you don't. Remember when you got scared by Kelly aunty's cat? You said it was a 'BAD CAT' but that kitty was only trying to play. The same will learn what is really bad what is good. 

I can't wait till when you're old enough... & we can start TALKING about it. Discussing the spells, playing quizzes (let's see if you can beat your mommy!) dressing up as our favorite characters & most importantly...just enjoying our love fore something magical & beautiful.

I have already bought you the all the 7 books.No,...not the stupid while pad dad uses! A real book...with pages...and a bookmark(in the shape of a quidditch broom)which smells like your favorite memory. I am very..VERY relieved that you love reading baby (waiting when you will start your A, B, C's ) 

I know you think I have gone crazy when I say the dialogues out loud when I am watching the Harry Potter absolutely normal! Potterheads...that's what we call people who love Harry Potter...all over the world do it. Believe me baby, I know mommy's who have dressed babies up in HP costumes. I will never do that without you actually WANTING to...please start wanting soon baby.

I can't wait for the day we argue on which Hogwarts house is better, which professor is better, which book in the series is the best and most importantly.....which quidditch player is the best! Soooo....start reading the books soon baby & watch the movies. 

Mommy will never say no if you want your own wand or a cape or anything. Mommy will even be cool if you wanna be in Slytherin or if you like wait...Baby...don't like Voldemort..please don't.....please....

Your Potterhead Mom :)


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