Wednesday 15 February 2012

a final addition......i had to add them!!!! very essential!!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but a guy with a book in his hand is an instant magnet for me.
Somehow I relate to it more than anything because I am a voracious reader myself. I see them
mostly in coffee shops, roadsides, marine drive……they are just sitting their…with their book in their

Intelligence is one of the most attractive traits that one can find in a guy, it is so rare to find
someone with whom you can have a perfect witty and smart conversation. Now don’t go to the
extremes! The nerd type of conversations are not my thing where the guy keeps on ranting about
some ‘concept’ he believes and uses all his horsepower trying to convince you. Bleagh!!

I was sitting in landmark that day reading something in my usual spot, and then I heard this guy
suddenly asking me? “Come on! You like THAT?” instantly I was like “excuse me? Do I know you?”
making that back-off-dude face, but by some miracle we ended up talking our choices in books
and stuff. It was amazing, considering the fact that I don’t even talk much to the guys I know and
here I was chatting merrily away to some random guy in a book shop! Ha! Who would know right?
Moreover he was damn cute with his glasses and check shirt and all. Sigh! Good times.

So ladies, start reading for good…………not a magazine…sheesh!! You never know whom you may
bump into around the corner….havn’t you seen in movies? Heads bump, books tumble of arms,
glasses fall askew…and then……eyes meet!!!!
not a big fan of zacky here but....but that book somehow makes him look better!!!!

It is a dream! To find a guy who can cook...and look good at the same time. I mean...I can imagine when you are all low and unhappy, and your guy walks up to you with this hot plate of something hot and have to be a martian not to think he is great!!

I think it is sexy more than anything watching a guy move around the kitchen like he owns it. Using the vegetables and the spices and the chopping! Oh that samurai style chopping!! The ultimate act! I remember back in college I had this baking certificate course, I took it coz I could not do hell in kitchen without setting the place on fire or burning myself in some way! Anyway, the professor was a treat to watch as he touched ingredient to ingredient and moved from oven to the grill, it was fantastic, plus he was good looking, so who wants more?

Once I remember, I could not the kneading right, it was damn pissing off as I was getting the dough all over my hands and my face. It was not becoming soft but kept getting sticky by the minute, then he came over to me watching my misery and offered to show me, he slid his arms slowly about my arms and started kneading the dough with my fingers. Oh-my-god! All I can remember is that I had lost my senses...I could not feel anything, but his breathing...his warm breath on my neck.....anyway, I am deviating.

I know we, women like to eat, it's true. Even the anorexic ones do at least at some point in their lifetime, and if a guy can whip up something deep fried and smothered in chocolate..nothing in the world can beat that!!!

So guys listen up please.....go and join that cooking class pronto....after all its not in the man's case that the fastest way to the heart is the stomach.....please! u cant have all the fun!!!!

Okay, I don't think I need to talk much about this...three lines are pretty much enough..I mean this category is a hands on chick magnet. any guy...I mean literally any guy in this world can look sharp in a tux!! Its not fair....anyway guys are lucky in that sense! What can I say? guys in formals are my all time weakness...I'm still having a hard time getting over my old crush who parades around in a suit in front of me the whole day!!! Pathetic or what?? Tell me about it!!

So there you go!!!! Finally my list is complete!! Whew!! I hope some of you can relate to it!! After all.....this fantasy list is every girl's fantasy right????


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