Sunday, 15 January 2012


When Aleseo Paulose was born on 3rd May 1996, and dad told me that I have a little brother, the first thing that slipped out of my 6 year old lips was, "can't we exchange him?", I was terrified!! a boy! even though he was newborn, A BOY!!! (I guess male phobia started at quite an early age for me), but yes, I was a bundle of nerves that after when dad was bringing him home that afternoon.

When I saw him for the first time from the top of the stairs, all I saw was a loaf of bread! Where was the baby? when I went down...I saw my lil brothers face for the first time. Tiny, teeeeney, and a squashed face. I recall cocking my head side to side like a bird to figure out which way he looked the the best.

"You wanna hold him?" Mum asked.
"It's allright da, you will like him."
"No way."
And I sprinted to my room and banged it shut almost unhinging it!!

I know, crazy right? Who would not want to hold their little brother? ME! It was so scary, he was like a fragile piece of china that I was perpetually scared to touch. This state lasted for at least a week. one afternoon I tiptoed slowly to his little bed, I orbited around him for at least half an hour when I decided to enter the dragon's mouth. 

He was gurgling and there was drool all over his bib and his mouth...oohkayyy..his features had become quite clear now and those cherubic cheeks were just begging to be pulled, BUT, I got a grip on my self! With an almighty groan I leaned over him and looked straight into his eyes. He let out a long, high pitched scream of laughter at a decibel that only bats could hear, some weird blubbering sounds followed by incomprehensible words...and then....... he waved at me with those chubby fists...

Magic. I can't think of any other word...what I felt was so strong and powerful, this...this wave of protectiveness engulfed me. He was mine, and mine alone, MY little brother. And from that moment on my parents had to beg me to put him down and stop snapping at people when they asked to hold him! Sometimes I used to pinch and prod him...just to see how he would react...come on!!! I was a curious kid hehehehe......

We have come a long way since then, he is a strapping 15 year old boy now, engrossed in his dreams of making it to the Indian cricket team, but I still see him as the little baby with chocolate brown eyes, the most heavenly cheeks and a face that could make the angels jealous. Of course, it never was clean, I mean the mini wars that we would have....still do...sometimes would make me wonder if we really did love each other....but we do.

Once, when he was 5 years old, we were crossing the road and because of my mistake he almost came under a truck, I went into Post Traumatic Stress after that incident, I can never forget the look on his face as the truck screeched to halt just inches away from him. I felt so guilty and helpless, my heart was in my mouth and I could not stop sobbing. Till this day, whenever I cross the road, I ensure that I hold the hand of the person crossing with me...whether they like it or not.

There are moments when you don't need to say things to each other, but are understood anyway. Now, both of us are engrossed in our lives, hardly have time for each other, squabble, make cruel jibes at each other...say things that hurt....cry, but we have also grown more strong than ever!

Just a few days ago it was my birthday, and you should have seen him...poor guy! He was trying so hard to give me a 'surprise' and completely forgot that the cake was lying open in the kitchen, and when he found out, he locked himself in his room. After a lot of coaxing he agreed to come out, but he was back to normal and started decorating the cake(almost destroyed it in the process) and was bouncing around like a jerboa! tell me?  do I need any other proof that he is awesome??

I love him! Always will! My chottu chuha!! And being his big sis has taught me so much and made me a better person. Big sisters with little brothers all over the world are the luckiest, because when they are kids you are their fierce and gentle protector, but when they grow up, they give you back all the love and care in abundance(you should see his face when some guy tries to get fresh with me......a frikkin hulk!!).

Can't wait to spend the rest my life with him by my side. It sure is going to be an interesting ride..........bursting with love!!!
