Thursday, 19 January 2012

WHERE IS THE REAL YOU???...............................Think, think hard.

You are such a faker, and you know that,
all that......"oh! I am not into all this", is such a give away.
But why are you like this?
let me try to figure this out.

You wanted to look like her, but could not,
so out came the "made up" face.
You always wanted to prove that you could be tough,
hence the forced abusing.

There was this girl you adored, 
but she liked your tall and sexy friend,
oh! the rage you felt! So you slummed out in the gym.
She would glance at you once, but that was it.

Sometimes when your aunt commented on your pathetic manners,
you tried your level best not to spread your legs apart and sit,
and try to say 'please' and 'oh! that's not a problem', endless times.

How many times have you forced yourself to have that awful drink, 
you don't even know when did you start drinking that.
All to show that you are different, but I hope you realize that in the end you were just like them.
Can you forget the way you cried when you puked the whole night?

You always hated the way your hair looked,
straightening, conditioning, the works......
You dont look like who you were,
do you still like it?

You love listening to hindi music.
You want that girl to not give up on you.
You hate those people who treat you like scum.
How you yearn to say out loud that you still love Aqua!

Why would you want to change for someone who has been with you for 5 minutes?
or think that who you really are is not good enough!
There were some people out there, if you remember who watched silently as you changed,
do you remember them? do they even matter anymore?

You're such a big faker, I can see it so well now. 
But it scares me that you can't see yourself anymore.
I know that I have lost you my friend......
but I haven't given up on you.
