Sunday, 29 January 2012

WHEN I THOUGHT FRACTURES WERE DA BOMB....................and got carried away!!!

Broken arms( 3 times),
broken legs( 2 times),
broken collarbone( 2 times),
broken  fingers( 2 times),
broken ankles( 2 times).
equals to.........................
ELEVEN FRIGGIN FRACTURES!!!!!!!!!! And the best part is, 9 of them were even before I was 12 years old!! I are probably thinking....."aww....poor Marina!" BUT it was the simply awesome!!

I was probably the only kid around who would come into unusual high spirits about a broken limb and walk around with a grin on my face!! That was because they did not see the bright side of a cast like good ol me! People around  me were at my beck and call.......... it was my hall pass to absolute heaven. The sympathy, the treats, also the 'no-homework' was ultimate!! The sight of an impy lil' kid with a huge cast was a enough to melt anyone. Sigh! Good times!!

It went on for quite some time..........till the tables turned. Suddenly I was missing class picnics, could not get out out of the house, sports day was a no-show, I missed my friends birthday parties......the gorgeous cakes I was pure horror!  Then, the itching got terrible and my mum would yell at me for rubbing my arm against the wall like some elephant and getting the paint off!!! And the fracture completely deformed my arm...till this day it looks so scary if I stick it I dreaded taking the pledge in school!!!!! From then on, I thought it was about time I get a grip on my crazy fate!!

And i did.....till the 12th grade....where I broke both my pinkie fingers while playing basket ball......the only consolation was that the doctor was cute!!!! but since then......touch wood...I have kept my fractures..yet!! Plenty of cuts, sprains, falls, but no fracture!!

Everyone should have at least one fracture before they get old(coz then it's not so much fun as I have described!)..its an awesome experience. when the hand is being put in the cast....the fun signing sessions, and the best...when they cut the cast...its so freaky!! Like they are gonna cut right through your arm..and when you see your looks like a shriveled stick! sounds gross and scary BUT trust me...its super fun!!!!!

What I am trying to say here is, don't freak out when you break something...its normal and gives you license to be pampered like a princess, plus all the attention you get is fantastic!!!

So go ahead....break a leg.........literally!!!!


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